A small town recipe for a big city. This is not a cooking blog, but it is about food, the food business and cook books. An addiction to the smell of aging paper has led to a collection of over 500 old cook books.
The Lone Star Cook Book, 1901, by the Ladies' of the Dallas Free Kindergarten and Training School (original)
The Reliable Cook Book, 1908, published by the Woman's Home Mission Society of the First Methodist Church, Belton, Texas.
Our Parish Cook Book, circa 1920's, compiled by the Ladies of St. Stephen's Guild, Sherman, Texas.
Motherhood Class Cook Book, Tyler Street Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Dallas 1923, Mrs. E. C. Poole, Teacher.
Cook Book, Vol. 1, 1924, compiled by the Parent-Teacher Association, Garland, Texas
Mrs. Ida M. Chitwood's Choice Recipes, 1927, Ida M. Chitwood.
The Woman's Forum of Wichita Falls Texas Cook Book, 1932, compiled by the Woman's Forum of Wichita Falls, Texas.
Cocktails to Coffee, 1936, published by the Dallas Council of Jewish Women
Centennial Cook Book, 100 Famous Recipes by Ida Chitwood, 1936, by Ida Chitwood, Southern Laboratory Kitchens, Dallas.
Let's Eat, Favorite Recipes of Members of Oak Cliff Society of Fine Arts, 1940, compiled by The Finance Committee.
White Rock Community Cook Book, 1946, Circle No. 2, Women's Society of Christian Service of White Rock Methodist Church, Dallas.
Cook Book of the Sodalitan Bible Class, 1946, compiled by Sodalitan Class of First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.
Favorite Texas Recipes, c. 1947, by Margaret Boone (former Home Economics teacher at Sunset High School), compiled and published by Metzger Dairies, Dallas.
Famous Recipes, 1948, by Kittie Kirk.
Seafood and Wild Game Cook Book, 1948, by Theora W. Crosby and Irby Stinnett (San Antonio)
The Dallas Woman's Forum Cook Book, 1949, compiled by the Dallas Woman's Forum
Phi Mu Cook Book, Dallas Alumnae, 1949, Phi Mu Alumnae of Dallas.
A Taste of Texas, 1949, compiled for Neiman-Marcus by Marihelen McDuff.
Delights From Our Kitchens, circa early 1950's, compiled by the Longfellow Parent-Teacher Association, Dallas.
Dine-A-Mite with Dealey, circa 1950's, compiled by the Geo. B. Dealey Parent-Teachers Association, Dallas.
With or Without Beans, An Informal Biography of Chili, 1952, by Joel E. Cooper.
Zonta Club of Austin Cook Book, circa 1960's, compiled by the Zonta Club of Austin.
Holiday Recipes, circa 1960's, compiled by the Home Service Department of the Texas Electric Service Company.
Recipes, 1960, compiled by the Woman's Auxiliary to the Texas Medical Association.
From Texas Tables, (1961), The Junior League of Dallas (Fifth edition).
LBJ Barbecue Cook Book, (1965), by Walter Jetton and Arthur Whitman (Walter was Caterer to the LBJ Ranch).
Heavenly Cooking from Space City USA, 1967, by the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Israel.
Noted Cookery, 1969, compiled by the Junior Group of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League.
Food For Thee, 1968, compiled by Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church.
Ace Reid's Cowpokes Cookbook and Cartoons, 1969, by Ace Reid, Kerrville, Texas.
Like Wine and Cheese....Older is Better, (a compilation of recipes and remembrances of Dallas residents from the 1800's and early 1900's), circa 1970's, published by the City of Dallas.
The Saga of Texas Cookery, 1973, by Sarah Morgan.
"Our Favorite" Cook Book, 1975, compiled by the Texas Wendish Culture Club.
German Christmas Cookies, 1976, compiled by Mamie L. Winkler, New Braunfels, Texas.
We'll Diet Tomorrow, Vol. II, 1970ish?, the Shalman Temple No. 90, Daughters of the Nile, Dallas, Texas.
The Dallas Junior League Cookbook, 1976, published by the Junior League of Dallas.
State Fair of Texas Prize Winning Recipes, 1978, compiled by Elizabeth Peabody, Director, Creative Arts of the State Fair of Texas.
Through Our Kitchen Door, 1979, published by The Guild, Dallas County Heritage Society, Inc.
Mrs. Blackwell's Heart-of-Texas Cookbook, A Tasty Memoir of the Depression, 1980, by Louise B. Dillow and Deenie B. Carber.
The Adolphus Cookbook, 1983, by Joanne Smith.
Cooking Texas Style, A Heritage of Traditional Recipes, 1983, by Candy Wagner and Sandra Marquez, University of Texas Press.
Dallas SPCA Cookbook, 1987, published by the Dallas Society For the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals.
Dallas Is Cooking! 1992, by Renie Steves.
The Collection, Cures for the Common Cuisine, 2002, compiled by the Women's Auxiliary to Children's Medical Center of Dallas.
Creating Comfort, 2005, compiled by Genesis Women's Shelter.
Extra Helpings, Papert Family Cookbook, 2008, by Ida Papert and the Papert Family, Dallas, Texas. I love you Ida!
Dallas Classic Desserts, Recipes from Favorite Restaurants, 2009, compiled by Helen Thompson.
Other Texas historical books that I found compelled to purchase:
Dry America, 1931, by Atticus Webb, Superintendent of the Texas Anti-Saloon League, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
Pencil Sketches of Dallas, 1933, by Guy F. Cahoon.
88 Eventful Years, Being the Intimate Story of Elmer Scott in Industry and the Humanities. And of the Civic Federation of Dallas Over a Third of a Century, 1954, by Elmer Scott.
Mapsco Dallas 1959, by HandyMap, Inc.
The Struggle for Sobriety, Protestants and Prohibition in Texas: 1919-1935, 1980, by Jeanne Bozzell McCarty, Texas Western Press, UTEP.
Classic Gems From Texas Classrooms, A Half Century of True Stories, 1990, by Ewell D. Walker, LL.D. and Tezzie Johnson Cox, Ph.D.
This blog does not review restaurants, however from time to time it will "introduce" new places or interesting specials at area restaurants. If any food or items are received as a comp (I never turn down free, but I won't lie for it) the author promises to share that information in the post.
Sometimes the comments can be a bit spicy, especially those of the author. The author reserves the right to refuse to publish those comments that are downright undigestible. It's not objectionable to disagree, it just depends how you say it.
Other Cook Books in the Collection (Through 1950's)
Mrs. Putnam's Receipt Book, and Young Housekeeper's Assistant, (new and enlarged edition) 1867, by Mrs. E. Putnam
The Household Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts and Daily Wants, 1875, by Alexander V. Hamilton.
Eating For Strength, 1876, by M. L. Holbrook, M.D.
The Household (of the Detroit Free Press), Practical Hints for Modern Homes, Third Edition, 1881, edited by May Perrin Goff.
Household Hints and Recipes, 1884, by Henry T. Williams and "Daisy Eyebright".
Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete Receipt Book and Household Physician (Memorial edition), 1888, by A. W. Chase, M. D., Detroit Michigan and Windsor, Ont.
Mrs. Beeton's Cookery Book, circa 1890's.
The Virginia Housewife, or Methodical Cook (Arlington Edition), circa 1890's, by Mrs. Mary Randolph
Modern Cookery, In All Its Branches, 1890, by Miss Eliza Acton .
Cooking School Recipes, 1890, by Miss Amy Barnes.
Our Home Cyclopedia, 1891, by Frank S. Burton
Three Meals A Day, A Collection of Valuable and Reliable Recipes in all Classes of Cookery, 1892, by Maud C. Cooke.
Every-Day Cook-Book, and Encyclopedia of Practical Recipes, 1892, by Miss E. Neil
Choice Receipts Arranged for the Gas Stove, 1893, by Miss Andrews.
The Star Cook Book, A Monitor for the American Housewife in the Dining Room and Kitchen, 1894, by Mrs. Grace Townsend.
Ransom's Family Receipt Book, 1896, by D. Ransom, Son & Co.
The National Home Cook Book, circa 1900's, published by The National Clock & Mfg. Co.
Directions for Operating Puritan Oil Cook Stoves, and Puritan Cook Book Recipes, circa 1900's
Encyclopedia for the Home, 1902 by Maud C. Cooke.
Grand Union Cook Book, 1902, compiled by Margaret Compton.
The Home Cook Book, 1905.
Catering For Two, 1906, by Alice L. James.
Paul Richard's Pastry Book, 1907, by Paul Richards
Household Discoveries, An Encyclopaedia of Practical Recipes and Processes, 1909, by Sidney Morse
The Alfalfa Cook Book (Second Edition), 1909, compiled by the Ladies of the Roswell Cemetery Association, Roswell, NM.
Fellows' Menu Maker, 1910, by Charles Fellows
A New Book of Cookery, 1912, by Fannie Merritt Farmer.
A Handy Book, Containing a Valuable Series of Cooking Lessons, 1912, by Navada Briggs and KC Baking Powder.
Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent, 1913, Fannie M. Farmer.
Fifty Two Sunday Dinners, A Book of Recipes, 1913, by Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller
The Something-Different Dish, Odd in Name, But Good to Try When You Want to Have a Change, 1915, by Marion Harris Neil.
The Whys of Cooking, 1916, by Janet McKenzie Hill.
The Cook's Book, 1916, by Janet McKenzie Hill, K C Baking Powder. (Actually, I've found I have two of these.)
Domestic Science, Principles and Application, 1916, by Pearl L. Bailey.
Food, It's Composition, Preparation, Combination and Effects, with Appendix on Cooking, 1916, by Dr. J. H. Tilden.
Buttered Toasts, 1916, by Fred Emerson Brooks (not a cook book, but toasts for cocktails)
European and American Cuisine, 1916, by Gesine Lemcke.
The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, 1918, by Fannie Merritt Farmer.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, 1918, by the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences, Scranton, PA.
Chocolate Recipe Favorites - Kitchen Tested, circa 1920's, Rockwood & Co., (these are actually recipe cards in a mailing envelope, Rockwood & Co. was a very famous New York, NY chocolate maker in the early century).
Condon's Common Sense Culture Book and Canning Guide, circa 1920's, Condon Bros., Seedsmen, Rockford, IL.
The Epicurean, A Complete Treatise of Analytical dn Practical Studies on the Culinary Art, 1920, by Charles Ranhoffer.
50 Ways To Use Marshmallows, A Household Necessity, circa 1920's, S. S. Kresge Company.
Lowney's Cook Book, Revised Edition, 1921, by Maria Willett Howard.
For Luncheon and Supper Guests, 1922, by Alice Bradley.
Food Facts For Every Day, 1924, by Florence E. Winchell.
Good Housekeeping Book of Menus, Recipes and Household Discoveries (12th Edition), 1925, by Good Housekeeping Magazine (update: whoops, now I have two)
Pastry Baking, 1925, by Helen Harrington Downing, Calument Baking Powder Company
Choice Recipes, Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes by Celebrated Cooks, Home Made Candy Recipes by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, 1926, compiled by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.
Better Homes Recipe Book, 1926, by Marjorie Mills.
The Butterick Book of Recipes and Household Hints, 1927, The Butterick Publishing Company.
Electric Refrigerator Menus and Recipes (3rd edition), 1928, by Miss Alice Bradley.
Table Setting and Service for Mistress and Maid, 1928, by Della Thompson Lutes.
The Edgewater Beach Hotel Salad Book, 1929, by Arnold Shircliffe.
Metropolitan Cook Book, circa 1930's, by The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
Modern Cookery Illustrated, circa 1930's, by Lydia Chatterton.
Meat Production on the Farm, circa 1930's, by E. H. Wright Co., Kansas City, MO.
Noble Experiments, 1930, by Judge Jr. (another drinking book - published during prohibition).
Eating for Efficiency, 1930, Evaporated Milk Association.
Aunt Sammy's Radio Recipes Revised, 1931, by the Bureau of Home Economicss, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
The Herbalist and Herb Doctor, 1932, by Joseph E. Meyer.
Everyday Foods, 1933, by Jessie W. Harris.
The Round-The-World Cook Book, 1934, by Ida Bailey Allen.
Jack & Mary's Jell-O Recipe Book, circa 1934-1942, by Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone.
Cooking With Elizabeth Craig (4th edition), 1934, Elizabeth Craig, Great Britain.
Recipes of All Nations, 1935, compiled by Countess Morphy.
Table Service and Decoration, 1935, by Lillian M. Gunn.
The Art of Cooking and Serving, 1937, Proctor and Gamble Company.
Magic Chef Cooking (16th edition), 1937, by the American Stove Company
Maidcraft, 1937, by Lita Price and Harriet Bonnet.
Food For Family, Company and Crowd, 1938, by Jessie Marie DeBoth, A.B.
The American Woman's Cook Book, 1938, edited by Ruth Berolzheimer, Culinary Arts Institute.
My Party Book of Tested Chocolate Recipes, 1938, by Frances Lee Barton.
Ten Lessons On Meat, for Use in Schools (Fifth edition), 1940, by National Live Stock and Meat Board.
Ruth Wakefield's Toll House Tried and True Recipes, 1940, by Ruth Graves Wakefield.
The Official Mixer's Manual, 1940, by Patrick Gavin Duffy (originally published 1934).
Foods and Health, Handbook Two for Upper Elementary Grades, 1941, Home Making Department, Public Schools, Kansas City, MO.
Streamlined Cooking, 1942. by Irma S. Rombauer.
La Cocina Practica Cosmopolita (Segunda Edicion), 1943, compiled by el Comite de Servicio Social de la Asociacion Cristiana Feminina de la Ciudad de Mexico, D. F.
The Wartime Cook Book, 1943, by Alice Bradley
Wartime Suggestions to help you get the most out of your Regrigerator, 1943, by Frigidaire Division of General Motors.
Your Share, How to prepare appetizing, healthful meals with foods available today, 1943, Betty Crocker.
Allied Cook Book / Libro de Cocina de Los Aliados, 1944, Publicado por el Allied Sewing Committee, Guatamala, C.A.
Mexican Cookbook, 1945, Erna Fergusson, The University of New Mexico Press.
Adventures in Good Eating (28th printing), 1945, by Duncan Hines.
Woman's Exchange Recipes, Fifty Years of Good Cooking, 1946, by Stella V. Hough, Detroit Woman's Exchange.
Recipes From A Cape Cod Kitchen, 1946, compiled by Doris M. McCue.
The Gentleman's Companion, Volume I, Being an Exotic Cookery Book. Or, Around the World With Knife, Fork and Spoon, 1946, by Charles H. Baker, Jr.
The Gentleman's Companion, Volume II, Being an Exotic Drinking Book. Or, Around the World With Jigger, Beaker and Flask, 1946, by Charles H. Baker, Jr.
The Cordon Bleu Cook Book, 1947, by Dione Lucas.
Aunt Chick's Pies, 1948, by Nettie McBirney, Tulsa, OK.
Knife and Fork In New York, 1948, by Lawton Mackall.
The Art of Italian Cooking, 1948, by Maria Lo Pinto and Milo Miloradovich.
Pressure Cooking, 1948, Ida Bailey Allen.
Operation Vittles Cook Book, 1949, compiled by the American Women in Blockaded Berlin.
The Chafing Dish Cookbook (4th edition), 1951, by John and Marie Roberson.
Out of Alaska's Kitchens, (1951), by Members of Alaska Crippled Children's Association, Territorial Headquarters, Anchorage, Alaska (Alaska was officially proclaimed a state on January 3, 1959)
Mexican Cook Book, 1953, by Natalie Scott.
El Numero 2 de Marichu, Lo Que Toda Ama de Casa Debe Saber (5a. Edicion), 1954, by Debe Saber, Mexico D.F.
New Orleans Recipes (16th edition), 1955, by Mary Moore Bremer.
Look No Further (3rd edition), 1955, Richard T. Hougen, Boone Tavern Hotel, Kentucky.
The Fisherman's Wharf Cook Book, 1955, by Morrison Wood, San Francisco, CA.
Don's Secrets, 1958, by Don Landry, Don's Seafood and Steakhouse, Shreveport, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, LA, and Beaumon,t TX and Don's Crawfish Ranch, Henderson, LA.
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