Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hubby Says "Yum", I Say "Can I Blog That?"

I've mentioned before that Sevy has developed products with Canyon Specialty Foods, their Star Chefs line as well as their Dean Fearing's line are sold at HEB/Central Market stores throughout Texas.   Last week an out-of-town group came into the restaurant, they wanted to see these sauces, dressings and dips used in actual dishes to get an idea of their ease of usage and quality.   And hubby came home saying that one dressing in particular was absolutely delicious, and a creative twist on old favorites - I'd call it Dallas Food for sure.  The Dean Fearing's BBQ Thousand Island Dressing bottle has only lasted in our fridge this long (1 week) because we've been traveling, it is truly tasty.

Now you may have grown up learning how to make homemade Thousand Island Dressing with Miracle Whip (ok, so maybe in Texas they use mayonnaise), catsup and sweet pickle relish.  "So", you think, "how much harder could it be to make my own and switch barbecue sauce for catsup?"  Well all I can say is good luck.  Because the delicacy of the flavors is incredibly complex, this is not made with just these three ingredients, it also includes capers, tamarind, lime juice, molasses, anchovy and ginger puree. 

And yum, lots of yum. 

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